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What Our Clients Say

  • It goes without saying, how much I appreciate the very personal service that I get from Hammond McNulty. As the Payroll Supervisor for iBasis Inc, and I just wanted to let you both know how much I enjoy working with your employee, Helen Hand. Helen is extremely knowledgeable, kind and very quick to respond. Every…Read More

    Lindsay Rensha
    Payroll Supervisor - iBasis Europe Limited
  • Hammond McNulty will go that extra mile for you every time. We have used Hammond McNulty, since our formation in 1972. In all of that time we have found them be a very professional Company. They are able to offer us assistance that goes beyond their business of Accountancy. In recent years they have assisted…Read More

    Bill Thompson
    Managing Director - Staffordshire Hydraulic Services Limited
  • We have no hesitation in recommending Hammond McNulty to potential clients. We have been using Hammond McNulty for the annual audit of both our limited company and pension fund together with accounting and taxation advice for over ten years. We have always found them to be professional and efficient whilst representing good value for money.…Read More

    Graham Perry
    Financial Director - Maurice Lay Distributors Limited
  • You guys are so wise, helpful and responsive as well as being lovely – really appreciate it!

    Claire Mason
    Managing Director - Man Bites Dog Limited
  • Of course, it goes without saying, how much I appreciate the very personal service that I get from Hammond McNulty and I would have no hesitation in recommending you and your team to anyone. Once again your team have carried out our audit in the kind of professional and efficient way which we have come…Read More

    M J Lay
    Managing Director - Maurice Lay Distributors Limited.

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